Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm
Telephone: 253-537-7781 Facsimile: 253-536-1759
(closed on Holidays and weekends).
Service Email:
Click Here for Word Document
Click Here for Adobe PDF Form

Annual Meeting Update
The Annual Meeting of Summit Water &
Supply Company is scheduled for 6:00 PM, Tuesday, April 22, 2025. The
meeting will be held at Summit Water & Supply Company's main office, located
at 9701 50th Ave. E. (approximately four blocks west of Canyon Rd., on 50th Ave.
E. - private driveway).

Drop, anytime.
(payments may be dropped off at Summit Water's office in the mail slot to the left of the office front door)
Account Access
Customers are
now able to access their accounts via
e-Pay On-Line bill pay. Please
note: the first time you access your account you will need to have your account
number available. Additionally, ALL CREDIT CARD
PAYMENTS will be processed through a third party processor.
Users of a credit card will now have a third party
processing fee not affiliated with Summit Water & Supply. All
Customers will continue to have the ability to pay with cash, check or ACH with
no additional processing fee. Please contact our Customer Service with
questions or concerns, Monday thru Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm, at 253-537-7781. |